Getting settled in Kona

We are gradually finding our feet in Kona. We’ve been here for 16 days now, and it’s starting to feel more like home.

The awesome news is that we have found housing! We found a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom condo, and we move in August 1st.  The condo is close to campus, so close we can even walk. So we think it’s going to be the perfect place to start out. Long term, we would like to own a home in Kona and put down roots.

The housing timing couldn’t have been better. We had to find a place to live quickly to give the shipping company an address of where to deliver our shipping container. We found housing just in time. Once the container is ready for delivery, you have 10 days to get the container back to the port to avoid surcharges. This 10 days ended up being August 2nd, so we will have it unpacked on the first, and back to the shipping company just in time.

Our car has also arrived on the Island, and we are going to pick it up tomorrow. It will be fun to have our car back, although Paul is eager to unpack our container and get his motorcycle out….but he’ll have to be patient, as it was the first item into the container, so it will be the last item out.

The boys are getting used to the Kona lifestyle, and are starting to make friends too. Tre is now over 2 months old, and is also adapting well to the new surroundings. The poor guy must wonder what happened, having gone from low humidity in Lynden, to super high humidity here.

Our work with the campus is going well. Paul is continuing to meet many of the key players at the campus. He is currently involved with school leader training for the quarter starting in September. Because YWAM operates schools on a quarterly cycle, the need for proper training of leaders is paramount to ensure we have successful schools. Paul’s goal is to make sure systems and procedures are in place so that as the campus multiplies, that our programs are fruitful and effective, for the glory of the Lord. Paul is also putting his accounting background to good use, and has been put in charge of the book-keeping for the cooperative school that Josiah and Austin will attend.

Here’s some pics of the kids at the beach. The pic of Lynnette and the boys is the wonderful view from the U of N campus, overlooking Kona and Kailua Bay.


We have arrived

For over a year now, our family have been in a transition, as we followed the Lord’s calling to return to Kona, Hawaii to work with YWAM (Youth With A Mission). Well, that season of transition is now over, and we have arrived in Kona to start a new chapter in our family’s life.

We flew in on Tuesday July 9th, and were greeted by not only intense humidity, but also by our good friends Andrew & Jane West and their two boys, Isaac & Lucas. So, as I type this, we have been here for 5 days.

We are privileged to be staying at the house of some friends of ours who are vacationing in Montana for the month of July. They have 4 boys also, so the house is tailor-made for us. At the moment, we are searching for a suitable place to rent. There is not a lot available, so we are trusting the Lord that he will continue to provide for us, not only in finances, but also in accommodation.

The great thing about the place we are staying is that it is around 800 feet above sea level – this is really helping us, by keeping the temperature’s down.

Most people want to know if we are getting settled – I think that process is going to take a couple of months! We are awaiting both our shipping container and our vehicle. Once those arrive, and we have our accommodation sorted out, then I think we will start to feel settled. It is on the one hand great to be here, and feels like we have come back home (this is where Lynnette and I met 16 years ago), and on the other hand, it feels like we have left home in Lynden behind, and we all miss our friends and family from there.

Since arriving, we have been down to the YWAM base several times, as we try to find our way around again. I think one of our favorite places is the Plaza of Nations, which has flags to show the nations that are represented at the Kona base. It is very cool to be surrounded by so many nationalities, and I think just a small glimpse of what Heaven will be like, as the nations worship the Lord together.

plaza of nations

Paul had his first meeting with DTS leadership on Friday. It was a great meeting, and gave Paul a sense of what the Lord is doing right now through the base, and how He is making the DTS program grow in fruitfulness,and effectiveness, but also how the base has such a need for people with administrative skill, to make the program even more successful.

We also celebrated our 15-year wedding anniversary on July 10th, the day after arriving here in Kona. It was special to wake up on our first morning here, and celebrate our journey together these past 15 years, and our future together. We were able to spend that evening with some friends down at the beach, share a meal together, and watch the incredible sunset.

Please pray for our family for the following:

  • For each member of our family to adjust to life in Kona
  • For our family to find housing in the next 10 days
  • For more people to become monthly financial partners of our ministry. We are so blessed by the support we have received, but we are still around $800 per month short.

If you would like to partner with us, either through a one-off gift, or as a monthly supporter, please go to our “Partner With Us” page, which has details on how to give.


Finishing up in Washington

Our life in the State of Washington is rapidly drawing to a close. We spent the weekend packing our container, and cleaning the house up for the new owners. We were all moved out by Sunday afternoon, and have now moved in with Lynnette’s parents for a few days. On Saturday, we head down to Seattle to spend our remaining time with Paul’s brother Dave & his family. We fly out on Tuesday the 9th.

It was great having Paul’s parents here – not only did they get to meet young Tre, who is now 6 weeks old, we also had some fun times with them, and they were a tremendous help in the packing process.

Packing the container went very well. At first, we didn’t think that all our stuff would fit into the 20 foot container, but thanks to the masterminds of Craig (Lynnette’s brother) and Lynnette, we fit it all in, and with room to spare! We were super blessed by many helpers – people who lifted, packed, cleaned, organized, delegated, got food and those who held babies. And thanks to some generous friends, we even had the use of a forklift, which was necessary to get items into the container which was 4 feet off the ground (not to mention it was a big hit with the boys).

Paul is finishing up at his work this week – he leaves with mixed feelings: sadness because he is leaving behind a job that has given him great satisfaction over the past 6 years, working with a team of great people, but also excitement because we are being obedient to the Lord in what we are embarking on.

Here’s some photos of the packing process, the truck taking away our container, as well as dinner out with Paul’s parents.
