So much to be thankful for

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches here in the U.S., I am always reminded that the bible calls us to be thankful, no matter what our circumstances. We are to be grateful people, whether we are in plenty or in want. For most of us, we have SO MUCH to be thankful for: food to eat, a roof over our heads, clothes to wear. On top of these basic needs, we as believers, can be thankful for God’s love, for Him sending His Son, Jesus, to die for us, for the indwelling Holy Spirit, our church community, the list goes on.

One of the things that may not make your list of things you are thankful for, however, is clean water. The fact is, most of us take clean water for granted. We have water in our homes. Doesn’t everyone? Sadly, no. In developing countries, people can have to walk a long way, just to get access to water. Can you imagine this? Imagine your home with NO WATER. Now think of all the water you use each day to bathe, drink, brush your teeth, wash your clothes, wash your dishes. What if you had to go each day and retrieve that water from your community water source, and it was an hour’s drive from your house, and you had to bring it home? And what if the water source does not have clean water? This situation is a reality for many people in our world, especially in the developing world.

One of the ministries that Lynnette and I work with here at YWAM Kona is called Justice Water. We believe that everyone has the right to clean water. Justice Water uses simple, sustainable water technology, to bring clean water to those who need it. Here is a video of a water project just outside of Siem Reap, Cambodia from May of this year.