2 weeks today

Wow, two weeks today, we fly out for YWAM Kona!! Crazy! We are all super excited about what God has for us in Kona, but at the same time, we are sad to say goodbye to family and friends here in Lynden. And the goodbyes have already begun – we had a tearful goodbye with one of our awesome neighbors today 😦

containerOur shipping container arrived on Friday, and we have until Sunday night to fill it. We have to be strategic on what we pack in suitcases and what goes in the container, as we won’t receive the container in Kona until late July. And we are doing all this packing while trying to look after Tre, who turned 5 weeks old yesterday.

We are still looking for around 10-15 people to commit to financially supporting our ministry with YWAM on a monthly basis. If you would like more information on how to partner with our family, go to our “Partner with Us” page. If you want to talk about this with us, call Paul at 360-393-8662. We also appreciate your prayer support, especially during this time of transition. Saying goodbye is hard, especially for our kids.

Paul’s parents John & Sonja arrived yesterday. It is so great to have them here with us during this busy time, and fun for them to meet Tre for the first time. Here is a recent pic of Tre, who continues to GROW. He is a big and tall boy 🙂


Proud Brothers

Josiah, Austin & Kyle are proud to present to the world: Tre Michael Randerson. Tre was born on May 20th, so that makes him 18 days old today, as I type this. We are all so blessed by his arrival. 19 days ago, we couldn’t imagine what it would be like having a baby in the house again. Now, we couldn’t imagine life without Tre, and being a family of six….besides, we really wanted to test out the third row in the car!!

The other great news is Paul remembered how to use a diaper (nappy for you kiwis)….well, he partially remembered. He remembered the basics, but he forgot rule #1 of changing a boy’s diaper, and on the very first diaper change of Tre’s life, the diaper wasn’t the only thing wet!! Needless to say, Paul won’t forget again.

As well as baby news, the countdown to Kona continues….we fly out on July 9th, just over a month away. Preparations are in full swing. Our latest newsletter was just published this week. You can read it online by going to our Newsletters page.

Our main need at this time is more monthly supporters to help us live as missionaries in Kona. Please consider joining our team – read more about being part of our ministry team by going to our Partner With Us page.

