Outreach Training for DTS

Last weekend, Paul was involved in an outreach training event for the various discipleship training schools here at the campus. There is a real push right now for DTS to be more intentional in training our staff for overseas outreach. With that emphasis, Paul was part of a crew that organized the event, which ran from 1pm Friday to 6pm Saturday.

It was a fantastic event for our staff. We had over 100 staff in attendance, and all who attended were blessed by some of the gifted teachers that serve here at YWAM Kona. The training was on numerous topics related to outreach: What is an outreach? Outreach Requirements, Budgeting for outreach, Dealing with Emergencies, Cross-Cultural issues, and the list goes on.

Paul was so excited to be involved, as training staff to be more effective in their role is one of his passions. Paul shared for 45 minutes on how to properly budget for outreach, walking the staff through some financial guidelines, as well as an excel budget template on the big screen. This topic is important given that we send hundreds of thousands of dollars with our teams who go on outreach each quarter, and we want to be wise stewards of these funds. This quarter, around Christmas-time, we will have approximately 40 outreach teams with almost 400 short-term missionaries who will go out and preach the gospel in many locations around the world – primarily in Asia and the Pacific, but teams are also being sent to Europe and the USA.

The goal of this training is that our outreaches are even more fruitful, and ultimately that more people make decisions for Christ, and then are connected to their local church for further growth and discipleship.