Phenomenal Yard Sale

Saturday’s Yard Sale was fantastic! We were blessed by a beautiful day – the sun came out and warmed us all. And it truly felt that Winter was behind us, and Spring had arrived.

Thanks to all of you who came by for a visit, to either buy something from the yard sale or some of the yummy baked goods, or just to encourage us by showing up. Thanks also to those who loaned us much needed tables, and to others who added to the bounty of baked goods. Fortunately, all the baked goods sold, otherwise some members of our household may have to go on diets in the short-term.

We had hoped, with the relatively small amount of items we had for sale (as compared to our first yard sale), to make between $200 and $300. We ended up making over $800, which puts another dent in the funds needed towards our moving costs. Speaking of which, if you are interested in making either a one-time contribution, or becoming a monthly financial supporter, click here for information on how to become a financial partner.

Newsletters went out by mail and email over the last week. If you are not on the distribution list, and would like to be, let us know.